Monday, March 5, 2012

Zibbet Is A Cult? Not! Why I luv Zibbet Zibbet Zensation

So a friend of mine sends me a link to a thread yesterday where a certain Zibbet hater and fabricator made the statement that Zibbet is a cult.  Good gawd! No wonder many  ignore her comments and do not pay attention to her snarkwads. 
Dang if Zibbet is a cult I am just so gosh dern glad I drank the Kool-aid :=).  hee-hee.
I have met so many wonderful people there, the admins are wonderful and very active in the Community, and people are actually having success at selling their items.  I really believe that the site will continue to grow and that sellers do have a bright future there. 
I am happy to be a part of a positive group of people who support one another and are happy with the success of fellow sellers. If that makes Zibbet a cult.........HOORAAAYYYYY For Zibbet! Hee-hee.
Just another reason why I love Zibbet ......spread the luv, spread the luv!!!!!!

How High Is The High Road ?

So awhile back I posted my thoughts about how for everyone you don't like...there is someone out there who loves them so you really should try to keep that in mind when saying anything. I guess that I am still struggling with looking the other way, taking the high road,turning the other cheek,yada yada.
I recently had a situation where someone said some lies about me, then I said what I felt about the situation and later removed it because I was trying to take the high road.
But couldn't be left at that because the person is still in forums lying about me. And I guess in this situation that the high road is too high for me to climb because I am fed up with the pot stirring and drama.  It is a rotten situation and I really don't care how many people read the blog.  The important thing is to have a place to set the record straight.  And now that I have had my say about this I am done with it once again unless she keeps creating even more drama. Life is too short to concentrate on the negative things. And I can't say that I have really learned anything from this other than sometimes there are situations that do not fall in line with the way you normally treat people. And this is one of them. And now I am gonna get off of this low road once again and be done with this situation. Hopefully she will find another pot to stir...or find a bigger stick----hee-hee

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oatmeal Encounters Of The First Kind

So I haven't been blogging much lately..and it's just a matter of having so many other things going on..but hey we all have a lot of things on our plates and today some little munchkin I know had more on her face than on her plate :=).  I have talked a bit about how I am involved in a family owned business and right now we are in the middle of "income tax" season.  We have 3 crazy busy months where people are spending their tax returns..and at this time of year I don't have a lot of extra time or energy to do much else :=) I am so thankful and happy that we are busy tho...I absolutely can not complain about that!
Today hubby and I went over to Kev and Sarahs' to watch little Chloe while they went out to test his new gun. Kev and Sarah were both suited up in their camoflauge  attire when we got there.  Kevins' had these little bushy leave thingies on it (and when they got back..Chloe kept patting him or maybe petting him..I wasn't sure. I told her that daddy was a tree and mommy was a bush... hee-hee.  )
Anyways when we walked in Sarah told me that she decided to let Chloe try eating on her own for the first time..and she was covered in oatmeal and simply having the time of her life.  I got the "Love you Mom..she needs a bath" C-Ya--- and away they went on their forest adventure .  Little Chloe will celebrate her first birthday in a few days and I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. 
At the top of my list of things I hope I never Alzheimers... I hope I never ever forget the way I simply melt when this baby looks at me with those big blue eyes :=) are a few pics of my happy Sunday today....

                     the oatmeal bandit strikes again
                            yep I did it all myself!
                          after the dunk in the tub
      Gamma did that oatmeal facial make my skin shine?
                  goofin' around on the grandpa slide
                                 do it again papa!
                                     got treats?
                                 Okay I'll share
                    These veggie snack puffs rock!
         Gyro snack containers are full of surprises! :=)

Hope ya'll are having a fun March!