Today I came across a bit of advice from business guru Donny Duetsch who was talking about branding in the digital age. I consider myself too old to think about branding my product and I basically do my on-line stuff as a hobby...but for those younger people out there (or for people my age who are really serious about branding your product).....I think he had some very simple sound advice regarding this...
He says to "Be constant to who you are".....
And I think that is the one thing everyone should keep in mind who is starting up a business or might be starting up a business one day.
Consistency is the key.....and if you brand yourself in one area you should also keep in mind how hard it will be to branch off into another area later on...but that is just another challenge that life has to offer hee-hee.
Good luck entrepreneurs of the universe :=) may the consistency force be with you :=)