Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today's Projects no rain...bring on the paint!

We were supposed to have a huge rain storm today..... but instead just a little overcast so far.  Was really glad to be able to complete a few projects on my day off. And hey...there's still some more day light....who knows what else I'll be able to finish :=)

This vintage Taiwan picture/plate holder was nicked up and pretty drab.  I added a bit of chalk paint to spruce it up.

I spray painted this old wicker coffee table..... thought it still had a bit of life left in it.

Here's a wine bottle holder that has seen better days.... and now will hopefully see a few more

I've had this vintage Military picture for quite awhile.... I ended up painting an old frame camo green and adding a broken action figure that my son once played with and also a toy helicopter to the side....kind of a hollah to the Military !

Here's a hanging oak oval mirror that had a small chip at the bottom of the mirror surface so I added some paint and then some rhinestone bling to cover up the blemish.

Hope ya'll have had a great day..... heading back out into the semi-sunshine!
But just wanted to add that it seems like some out there do not realize that many many online sellers do actually make create upcycle recycle and sell their items locally. And never find a need to brag about it (the amount or lack of amount of sales) that is..LOL! #recycle #upcycle #chalkpaint #let'sgetcrafty

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dragon Goth vintage recycle ring Steam punk hand made by one pair of hands on Etsy

    Sharing my latest Etsy Listing.....I have the spare cuff link ring and every time I wear it ...I get a compliment on it..... I love unusual things.....funny thing that happened when I was taking a pic today of the item.....
      Grand Baby Chloe had placed one of these dolls she had been playing with inside of a big glass jar out on the Patio.....I saw this little witch and thought.....she needed to showcase this item :)
        Thanks always inspire old Gamma in many different ways :=)

What was once a fantastic pair of vintage cuff links is now a bold statement as a ring setting. The metal dragon sits atop a fabulous blue striped glass cabochon . I attached it to an adjustable antique gold tone ring blank.
Steampunk victorian goth bling.
The ring setting is a little over 1" tall by 3/4" wide.
International buyers please message me for a shipping quote.
Thanks for visiting !


Spanky Luvs Vintage

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Every day vertical is a good one seize the day

The kid's came over for Sunday supper...spiral ham and all the fixins'.  What a joy to be able to cherish each and every moment we are able to share with one another. Sometimes just a little family get together with nothing really special happening other than grubbing...feeds the fire in my soul more than anything.
An on line discussion that I am currently involved in recently featured a wonderful post from a seller who talked about time.
You can never get it back. How do you ever place a value on time?
Impossible right?
I've been pretty sad since last night when I first heard the news and off and on..all day today thinking about an extended family member who suddenly passed away .  He was living a healthy vibrant life and had just taken his newest Grand baby on his first fishing trip yesterday and suddenly out of the blue.... he passed away.  No warning. Nothing. One minute he was here.  The next minute he is gone. And I don't know him that well but I do know some of his family members quite well and just knowing the pain they are going through and the pain his wife must be dealing with now. Sad. Words can not describe it. Losing someone is never easy.
When it happens so unexpectedly I can't imagine that it makes the situation any easier to deal with. And any time these situations hit close to home.... you just realize once again how precious each and every moment we have here really is.
I tell my customers at work on a daily basis...."Every day vertical is a good one"... and it is true.  Seize the day.  
I remember years ago a saying that said something like "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"  yep... and it could also be your last.
you can not place a price on it.
and you can never get it back.
Spend it wisely....or as wisely as you see fit at the time.
Peace ya'll.
Here's a couple of pics of my lil Sunday grubsters :)...

#seizetheday #vertical #timeispriceless

Friday, February 21, 2014

#Zibbet and about the disgruntled sellers being blamed for the falling #'s in listings and new sellers not buying those premium offers

So I saw this little link where someone made this statement in the Zibbet community....

"The constant barrage of attacks on Z from Twitter and on disgruntled sellers' blogs is not helping, either, because some people believe everything they see and they might not even be willing to give Zibbet a try based upon the negative publicity they're seeing."

And I am thinking "Hmnnn...disgruntled sellers? 
 I guess I resemble that remark....
after all didn't most of the Zibbet sellers find the Zibbet venue because they became disgruntled on the venue where they were at?  If they were happy on the venue they were on before they decided to check out the Zibbet venue I really don't think many of them would have ever landed at Zibbet in the first place.  So I would say most of the people @ Z carry those disgruntled tendencies  and actually got there @ Zibbet looking for a better place because they were and are disgruntled.

Then they get to Zibbet and because of whatever wave of disgruntled-ness ...i.e. --- (the most current problem on another selling venue) -----
It has often been encouraged at Zibbet for sellers to go on the blogs and articles and links and make comments positive about Zibbet and to tell why disgruntled sellers left the other venue and are happy with finding Zibbet now.

Fact is that Zibbet has thrived and grown upon the disgruntled feelings of sellers who left one venue in search of another one that hopefully better represents their values.  And they were always perfectly happy to have sellers talking about the other venues and encouraged the behavior.  They don't quite know what to do now that the tables have turned..and bad things about Zibbet the CEOs C3 yada yada are showing up in those Google searches.

And now?  To hear some of them blaming Zibbet's downfall on some disgruntled sellers is pretty amusing.
Looks like so many of those disgruntled sellers found Zibbet and then headed back to the venue that they left because once they found out what was really going on behind the scenes.....
turns out they were less disgruntled with the venue they thought they were going to leave behind.
Oh yes...
Zibbet ended up making them even more disgruntled than they already were when they 1st found Zibbet.
Kind of like a case of the lesser of 2 Evils.... (some might say).
Common sense would lead them back to the venues where they are actually selling things.
And most would agree it was because Zibbet did not live up to the promises they made.
And when they were called out on not doing some of the things that they advertised and made promises about.... they only admitted them after they got called-out.
And then there were of course the other HUSH-HUSH things.  Those behind the scenes sneaky Community things that were brought out into the open.

Disgruntled and left?  Nope I'd say most of those sellers were already disgruntled upon their arrival @Zibbet.  

And now a lot of them are irked offended fed-up desenchanted malcontented sadder and wiser pissed off and peevish.

And they are gonna talk about it and deal with it in their own way until they are ready to move on.

But these sellers are not the ones attributing to Zibbets downfall.  The Ceo's at Zibbet did that all on their own.
Bottom line...the disenchanted ones had nothing at all to do with it other than getting themselves caught up in a time suck because they once believed in the integrity of the venue... and no spin is ever gonna change the truth on that one.

#disgruntledZibbeters #Iresemblethat #Zibbet #Zibbettimesuck

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

About that #Zibbet cached Cheerleader post I alluded to earlier... that they thought was erased and vanished from the forums

Okay so we pretty much know that "cached" posts are only gonna show the first page or so of the discussion...but after I made a previous post about how my Zibbet vibe died after I found out Andrew was behind the scenes high 5-ing people who attempted to bury it and then when it didn't get buried he stepped in and closed it because he said it was to prevent something that he obviously has since been proven to have been behind the scenes as stirring the "us vs them" up ....
well Lordy Lordy we all know that by the Zibbet Ceo's going back and erasing all of the posts that they think no one should see now?....
They are wasting their time...........
I easily googled "Zibbet Cheerleaders" and my cached post still shows up
one note is that on the Zibbet forums....posters can come in later and have the ability to remove their posts from that discussion... it often makes it seem odd that people are answering someone who has removed their post.....
lesson learned and shared here and anyone still posting on those forums
if replying to someone else....
copy and paste what they said when you reply to it....
whether or not threaded/unthreaded :)
note to CEO's at Zibbet...... you can not erase what has already been discussed there....
and you shouldn't  waste your time trying
JMO :=)

Cheerleaders come in many shapes and forms and I am happy to name a few of my faves :)

So when you consider that Zibbet now has over 8,000 sellers (Whoo Hooo HOLLAH!)
Now that we have entered a new year 2014... I am kind of reminiscing about some of my fave Zibbet icons ... (in my Zibbet book of luv) LOL!
Vicki.... who has always been there to answer in a timely manner and post so many helpful topics on the Zibbet blog...
Judy @ Portable Graffiti Graphics / Zibbet Forum moderator and I have always enjoyed reading her Fantastic 5 Blog posts
Barb from All about the Buttons who has posted the most popular running forum post ever Ak.a."Promote your new listings"-- and still in my opinion the best thread for Zibbet newbies to look for and land and find an awesome welcome from fellow sellers here :)
Claranne Knittel.... the 1st one who welcomed me when I first entered the community....
Norma and Becky from the Zbox team who have bent over backwards to promote this venue...
and lately I would have to say that Robin AOT is one of my new fave Zibbet icons....
I saw how she relentlessly promoted Zibbet on the E venue and busted her arse trying to get new peeps over here to list.  I also smiled quite often at her and peeps like Paper Cherries for speaking their own mind in an always kind and courteous manner when their opinions went against the popular grain of those posting at the moment.
But as we enter 2014 in a hopefully new better bigger step for the Zibbet venue.... I do always keep in mind that even with over 8,000 sellers here......there really have never been a lot of members in the community here who are reading the posts be they "rah rah let's get listing" or "OMG I am not selling anything yet" kind of things.....
(I do not believe that I have ever signed on into this community and have found more than 60 members in the forums at one time here)..... so when I think of all of the new listings and new sellers.... I know that they most likely generated to the Zibbet site from outside of this forum.
And the real thanks I would think...we should all thank those who bring them here to list their items... even if the huge majority of sellers are obviously not in these forums and will never read anything posted here :=)
And I thank people like Robin and Judy.... Miss Judy  was the original one who kept posting about Zibbet on Twitter who made me find this place.... and I also thank the awesome people who originally made me feel like this was the place to stick around and give the venue a chance.
Cheerleaders do indeed come in many shapes and forms....
and my chit chat post is hoping that those who read this will take the time to thank those who gave them inspiration to find this venue or to simply stick around and to not leave just yet.


Tags: Zibbetcheerleadersdorocksthankwhoyou
Views: 2379
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Replies to This Discussion

Oh, thank you, Spanky! 
I'm too dumb for my smart phone.  :(
I'd also like to thank the Zibbet Admin - they come to the forum to cheer us on and often share good news about the upcoming rebuild!  Not often you see CEO's and co-founders be as active as this. Thank you!
Why thank you LindaC :)
Thanks so much!
Thank you Linda.
Thank you to all who help promote Zibbet! I see the same people you are talking about really working to promote! The ZBox team does a great job!
Thanks for the shout out, Spanky! Hugs! ♥
If you read the guidelines that Andrew updated (top of the community page), they are very lenient in this aspect. Their guidelines are very clear and you'd have to be very disruptive where it impacts sellers and buyers to get muted. They are not as strict as in other places. :)
Debbie ~ The folks here are given ample opportunity to voice their opinions in ways that follow the guidelines.  If they do not follow the guidelines, it is clearly stated in section 4 what the consequences may possibly be. 

#Zibbet and about how sometimes they'll get on that right away

The topic came up awhile back about how the roster of Zibbet current sellers seems to have shops that have no items listed for sell.  We remembered that in one of those listing challenges how the gal always said that being counted as a seller meant that you had to have at least one active listing in your shop.  Some screen shots were posted where there indeed were shops in that "active list" with zero items for sale.  I have also believed for quite some time that there is a problem when listings never expire over at Zibbet.  I have felt that they should put a 3-4 month expiration on them.  They don't charge you to list items.... but the items could easily be "re-listed" when they expire and that would help prevent so many shops that seem to have sellers who left the building quite some time ago.  Perhaps they might consider this in the elusive rebuild.

My post today however is about something I notified Zibbet admins about back in 2011. I am going to X out the persons' name and shop name that I will be referring to here but there have been screen shots taken and if there are any questions at all I will be more than happy to provide the screen shot of the shop still showing active in 2014.
The following is a copy of my message....

From spankyluvsvintage2 To Lxxxxxxx Sent Oct 15, 2011 4:46am UTC Subject Hi Vxxxxx!
I just wanted to pass this on and not sure if it is really all that important but wanted to share it...
When I just logged into Zibbet...on the front page was a ring from

It is my understanding that she is deceased and it looks like no one in her family removed her listings here. The links provided do not work if you click on them.

I know it is a touchy subject but I remembered searching out one of her tutorials quite some time ago on the net and could not get a working link and then discovered the obituary.

Just would not want a new buyer to attempt to purchase and have a bad first experience here on the site :)
Best wishes,


Then I promptly received this reply and one thing I will say is that they are very good at getting back to you when you have a question....

From Lxxxxxxxxx To spankyluvsvintage2 Sent Oct 15, 2011 12:17pm UTC Subject RE: Hi Vxxxxx! 
Message Rhonda,

Thanks for letting me know about this. We'll take care of this right away.


Okay so it is now 2014 and I am just wondering how soon is "right away" in Zibbet speak? The sellers' shop is still listed among the active shops.  The sellers' items are still listed among the "active" listings.  I know mistakes can be made.  I also know that so many people are tired of being told "We'll take care of this" 
or "We'll fix that in the rebuild".  Etc. Etc.
Isn't it time for them to start doing more instead of just saying that they are going to do it?

And just to be sure there wasn't some kind of excuse as to why the shop is still there.... like maybe a family member is still active or something.....   I went ahead and did a "test" buy and this is what happened......
It took me to the Pay Pal link...... and it said this

Return to merchant and try a different payment method

Error Message

We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now

Return to merchant

So I did the return to merchant (the seller's website address link) and I got this

Page not found (404)

Page not found

I knew the payment hadn't went through but is now showing up on my page in the purchased items

and then I got the sellers' automated message from Zibbet....

Thank you very, very much for your order!

I try to ship within a day or two of receiving your order, so unless I'm off visiting a friend you should receive your order in just a few days.

While you are waiting, let me suggest a visit to my website so you can download your free copies of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Once there you'll see that I'm hooked on making Hypertufa Garden Art and that I work hard at spreading the story about how much fun it is to make your own garden art.

Thank you again for your order! I hope you will be delighted with your purchase.

The details of your order are below:

Okay so if this had happened to a first time buyer at Zibbet....and a new buyer..... they would probably be thinking that their payment had somehow gone through because they received that message from the "seller"......
(but in fact the payment never went through because the sellers' Pay Pal account is no longer active.)
And if the payment had gone through.... the buyer would eventually end up having to do a Pay Pal dispute and would not have received an answer from the deceased seller.

To me it is just another one of those "you just couldn't make this stuff up even if you tried."  And I almost found it unbelievable to see that this seller still had an active shop @ Zibbet.  But knowing all of the other stuff.... it just is kind of part of what many have come to expect over there.  Lot's of talk and no action...

#Zibbet #activesellers #rightaway #Zibbethmath