Thanks so much to my sweet pal Tracy @ Screaming Sardine.....she recently posted this interview on her website and I really appreciate it :)
Seriously the main thing that lead me to re-opening my shop on Etsy....I have met so many wonderful people there....and I know there are many many more still left to meet :) Tracy is so nice..I mean I just can't say enough about how much I luv this gal and I have never even met her face to face......check out Screaming Sardine......I think she is an amazing is the interview....
Screaming Sardine
~ Buy Handmade! Support a person, not a corporation ~
Rhonda from Spanky Luvs Vintage Interview
Sep 24th, 2012 at 12:00 PM
Photo above: Marvella Vintage Brooch and Earring Set Today’s interview is with Rhonda from Spanky Luvs Vintage 2 Zibbet Shop. I met her through one of the many Craft Star threads on the Etsy forums. She conducted a great experiment about how easy it is to buy Facebook fans, and we’ve been chatting ever since. Her shops are full of a great mix of eclectic vintage and handmade items, and her descriptions are very entertaining. As you’ll soon see, she has a fun personality!
Tell us about your store. What kind of items do you offer?
I try to offer a variety of things at different price points and would call it an “eclectic mix” of items. I have been collecting for over 40 years and have a wide variety of stuff but have listed mostly vintage costume jewelry and recycled vintage pieces.
Where do you find all your great vintage finds?
I am always looking everywhere because you never know where you might find the next item . Everytime we go to a new town, I am searching for the junque and antique shops because they are my favorite places to browse.
How long have you had an interest in vintage/antique items?
I think that since a very young age I have always felt a “connection” with things from the past. History was always my favorite subject in school. When I was 10, I started a “dog” collection of figurines and used to enter the collection each year at the local Fair. I have the collection stored in my garage and plan on giving it to my Grand babies, Chloe and Lexie, when they get older.
Photo above: Lord and Taylor “Onyx” Hosiery 1907 original antique ad Are there any particular vintage items that are your favorites?
Costume jewelry is the item that I have tubs and tubs full of so I guess that would obviously be my top of the list fave. But I really enjoy things like old paper dolls and imagining all of the little tiny hands that have held them and played with them and the smiles they have created. Also digging through an old can of buttons is my favorite way to “chill-ax.”
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love reading, gardening, cooking, fishing, and mostly hanging out with the Grand kids. I have also become some what of a Pinterest addict. LOL!
What’s a question you wish I would’ve asked? And please answer that question.
I met her in the Etsy Forums and can’t thank her enough for the time she spends helping promote others. Thanks luv….you are a real treasure and I consider myself lucky that we crossed each others’ path
Photo above: Wood Boho Beads Long Vintage Necklace in Earthtones Please include ten fun facts about yourself. (Example, I like black jelly beans; I love “24;” etc).
#1.Thinks that ” Jolly Ranchers” Rock and loves to pucker up with garlic pickles
#2 My T.V. is often tuned to the “Food Network” and I am okay with “Chopped” re-runs because I can seldom remember who won anyway
#3 I once won a hog calling contest
#4 My mom once had a poodle that she named “Rocket” but I thought he should have been called “Harold” and I used to tease her about it that the poor dog had a complex because he knew he was really a “Harold”……imagine her surprise when she took him to the groomers one day and the lady said “Uhm Maaam…I’m afraid someone has been writing on your dog.” I had taken a black sharpie and written “Hi ! My name is Harold” with a winking smiley face on his little pink belly. Moms was pretty embarrassed about that one
#5 I used to have a mosaic in my kitchen that I made out of pasta, beans, rice, etc. and when we did a re-model and had to knock that wall down…I almost cried. My son used to make fun of me and say that when I ran out of room I would start gluing stuff to the ceiling…but regarding the “food” mosaic, I used to tell him that it was kind of like having our own “food shelter” on the wall in case of a nuclear attack
#6 I used to race go-karts and actually set a track record for fast time, but these days I am usually on time yet never in a hurry to get anywhere and travel at a slow and steady pace.
#7 One of my weiner dogs loves to have me cradle him in my arms and sing “Rock a bye Brownie” sung to the tune of “Rock a bye baby,” and he gloats and always looks around for our other dogs to make sure they know he is getting all of my attention.
#8 Last December I was a “Featured Zibbeter” on Zibbet
#9 Huge “Sons’ Of Anarchy” fan
#10 When I was in my teens my family had a grocery and tackle store, and my favorite pet at the time was “Wally the Waterdog”. At that time the salamanders were great for bass fishing but I thought they made even better pets.
Please list the urls to your website, blog, and/or online shop, social media, etc.
Spanky Luvs Vintage Etsy Shop
The Eclectic Kinetric Etsy Shop
Spanky Luvs Vintage 2 Zibbet Shop
Hanky Spanky on Pinterest
Spanky Luvs Vintage on Facebook
Spanky Luvs Vintage Blog
Photo above: Seafoam Serendipity Necklace with Vintage buttons mixed with glass beads and polished stones
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