Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Can a new Small time Etsy Seller now have a chance in this new "handmade" world of collectives

The thing is.... I think we can all talk about this deal until we are blue in the face.....
but bottom line to me....
this is what is to me gives me a case of the sadszzzsss...
yes  indeedy.
All I can figure is that once the floodgates are opened to allow all of this so called "handmade collective designing and manufacturing"....
to me what eventually happens is this....
the small handmade talented artisans who once upon a time were indeed able to start out on Etsy and sell their wares and then branch out and outgrow the site......
seems like to me that these days....
newbies are gonna have to go in hard and strong  to have a chance at competing and making a living and if small from the get-go..I think they will never for a nano second ever have a reasonably transparent chance to ever quit their day jobs. Someday......
I tend to think that if you keep the competition on an even level where the underdog truly does have a chance to beat the odds.... they in fact will rise to the top time after time.
But it seems to me at least that a situation like this.... only promotes and supports the already bigguns..... and has nothing at all to do with trying to "help" those who want to some day branch out to the next level.
Because I would just be willing to bet that if you now start as a small hand made seller at the bottom of the Etsy feed chain ... you are just gonna be feeding the ones at the top. (If you purchase something from them whilst you are there trying to sell something)
I really hope I am wrong about this.
#Iheartunderdogs #Isupporthandmade #Isupportsmallbusiness #collectivemyarse #IHASSADSZZZ

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