Sunday, March 30, 2014
Vintage trike planter roll on in with the Spring Time
I've been on a mission for awhile to find an old vintage trike and finally found one for a decent price last week. The frame was a bit tweaked and it had some functional issues but I wasn't looking for it to be functional although Chloe did try to ride it the other day :=) Hubby mounted this big tin container to the seat today and I added some flowers. And now it is ready to roll into Spring.
Hope ya'll had a Super Sunday. Chicken on the grill is calling my name :=)
Lot's of Competition from potential BLOOMERS
Everyone and everything at the end of the day is bottom line in competition with one another. Some compete for basic needs in order to thrive..others thrive because they don't have the type of needs that others seem to have.
I saw this post on facebook and wanted to share it because it is a nice thought....
I saw this post on facebook and wanted to share it because it is a nice thought....
And yep... at the end of the day they are all fighting for room to thrive and be the prettiest and bestest flower ever...etc etc...
but the fact that they Bloom
says a lot about those who
never will
and never had the motivation
or the intention of doing so.
Bloom on good PEEPS
Friday, March 28, 2014
A Few thoughts About Andrew's Reply On The Zibbet Disappointed thread
I've been hearing a few discussions regarding what Andrew had to say about the disappointment on that "Disappointed" thread. And here's my take on the deal.
First of all..... and let's just make this one simple.....
because to quote a quote from one of his threads
I do recall him saying something like "It's That Simple".
Okay when a statement like this is made....
Zibbet, unlike some other online marketplaces, has not been funded by millions of dollars, making it easy to build a huge engineering team. No, Zibbet has been built from basically nothing, with a very small team that works extremely hard.
I do believe that many people get that..... the investors did not invest....something happened during that momentum phase where Zibbet did have lot's of attention and should have been able to Capitalize on some sort of funding--( as a matter of fact there was one article that many referred to at the time where you were talking about your Angel Investors)....
but it seems as though the potential investors weren't impressed with what they saw....or maybe they are like everyone else out here..... still waiting for the elusive rebuild that is still just right around the corner.
But consider this for just a minute.....
how long would it actually take for ya'll to change that Gawd-awful template on the front page where despite current odds..."hopefully" potential new buyers might land?.... You know---the one that looks so outdated at the top? simple would it be to simply pretty that up for starters? (Seriously...isn't it time for that gal in the 80's striped shirt to retire?) Does it really take a big team of experts or millions of dollars to simply do something that simple? ( Change a couple of your pics at the top of the page?) One who has been there for any amount of time might begin to wonder just how hard is it to do some of the simple things that just keep getting pushed on the back burner.
To simply state that you are fiercely trying every day to improve while at the same time no one can see whatever it is that ya'll are fiercely doing.... simply makes even the most die-hard believers start to question
Not---- "What is REALLY going on?"
but instead "What is REALLY NOT going on?"
Forgive me for stating that so simply.
Next the statement that said this
To those who have criticised constructively (large majority), thank you. We listen to what you say, and we want you to keep on talking to us about your needs.
A lot of people are evidently learning that they are wasting time talking about it....... lot's of talk and no apparent action on the head honcho end. And here's the simple bottom line on that one..... the Premium sellers actually have very simple needs.... to list things and work hard on a venue where they can actually sell things and make a profit for their time spent there. Their job is not to keep promoting a venue and selling those yearly Premiums for you. Your job Andrew and Co. is to make it worthwhile for your members to keep promoting your venue so that you can sell more of those Premium accounts. Simply wanting to be something does not make it happen.... I know that I have witnessed a lot of sellers on that venue who have indeed worked very hard just like you stated ya'll are doing..... but let's face it---the site is getting more like a ghost town with tumble weeds rolling around.
This following statement is really the one that caught my attention and inspired me to comment here.....
To those who have criticised destructively (small minority), thank you also. Your opposition and disbelief in our ability to deliver has become like a red rag, and drives us to prove you wrong.
now to me....this is a bit of BS in my book at least. (And if he was a female I might think maybe he was evidently on the rag when he sounded so childish and pouty with this statement ) Why would what Andrew calls a "small minority" indeed be the driving force to prove the "small minority" wrong?
To me the driving force should have been there from the get go... to make the site the best that it can be. Sad to see that this type of "CEO think from the top"......a "small minority" is what get's them truly motivated. ???? hmnnnnn...
Well.... I guess all I can say about that one is that if a "so called" few naysayers is in fact the thing that finally has gotten ya'll to actually do something instead of just talking about what's gonna happen one of these days.....
I'd say Cheers to red rags
and many sellers on Zibbet out there should be thanking those RED RAGS as well if this is what has finally put Zibbet in some sort of forward drive mode.
Instead of trying to prove someone else wrong.... wouldn't the first step in the right direction be to simply prove yourself right? I mean it really is that simple. One would think so at least.
Actions do speak louder than words though don't they?
First of all..... and let's just make this one simple.....
because to quote a quote from one of his threads
I do recall him saying something like "It's That Simple".
Okay when a statement like this is made....
Zibbet, unlike some other online marketplaces, has not been funded by millions of dollars, making it easy to build a huge engineering team. No, Zibbet has been built from basically nothing, with a very small team that works extremely hard.
I do believe that many people get that..... the investors did not invest....something happened during that momentum phase where Zibbet did have lot's of attention and should have been able to Capitalize on some sort of funding--( as a matter of fact there was one article that many referred to at the time where you were talking about your Angel Investors)....
but it seems as though the potential investors weren't impressed with what they saw....or maybe they are like everyone else out here..... still waiting for the elusive rebuild that is still just right around the corner.
But consider this for just a minute.....
how long would it actually take for ya'll to change that Gawd-awful template on the front page where despite current odds..."hopefully" potential new buyers might land?.... You know---the one that looks so outdated at the top? simple would it be to simply pretty that up for starters? (Seriously...isn't it time for that gal in the 80's striped shirt to retire?) Does it really take a big team of experts or millions of dollars to simply do something that simple? ( Change a couple of your pics at the top of the page?) One who has been there for any amount of time might begin to wonder just how hard is it to do some of the simple things that just keep getting pushed on the back burner.
To simply state that you are fiercely trying every day to improve while at the same time no one can see whatever it is that ya'll are fiercely doing.... simply makes even the most die-hard believers start to question
Not---- "What is REALLY going on?"
but instead "What is REALLY NOT going on?"
Forgive me for stating that so simply.
Next the statement that said this
To those who have criticised constructively (large majority), thank you. We listen to what you say, and we want you to keep on talking to us about your needs.
A lot of people are evidently learning that they are wasting time talking about it....... lot's of talk and no apparent action on the head honcho end. And here's the simple bottom line on that one..... the Premium sellers actually have very simple needs.... to list things and work hard on a venue where they can actually sell things and make a profit for their time spent there. Their job is not to keep promoting a venue and selling those yearly Premiums for you. Your job Andrew and Co. is to make it worthwhile for your members to keep promoting your venue so that you can sell more of those Premium accounts. Simply wanting to be something does not make it happen.... I know that I have witnessed a lot of sellers on that venue who have indeed worked very hard just like you stated ya'll are doing..... but let's face it---the site is getting more like a ghost town with tumble weeds rolling around.
This following statement is really the one that caught my attention and inspired me to comment here.....
To those who have criticised destructively (small minority), thank you also. Your opposition and disbelief in our ability to deliver has become like a red rag, and drives us to prove you wrong.
now to me....this is a bit of BS in my book at least. (And if he was a female I might think maybe he was evidently on the rag when he sounded so childish and pouty with this statement ) Why would what Andrew calls a "small minority" indeed be the driving force to prove the "small minority" wrong?
To me the driving force should have been there from the get go... to make the site the best that it can be. Sad to see that this type of "CEO think from the top"......a "small minority" is what get's them truly motivated. ???? hmnnnnn...
Well.... I guess all I can say about that one is that if a "so called" few naysayers is in fact the thing that finally has gotten ya'll to actually do something instead of just talking about what's gonna happen one of these days.....
I'd say Cheers to red rags
and many sellers on Zibbet out there should be thanking those RED RAGS as well if this is what has finally put Zibbet in some sort of forward drive mode.
Instead of trying to prove someone else wrong.... wouldn't the first step in the right direction be to simply prove yourself right? I mean it really is that simple. One would think so at least.
Actions do speak louder than words though don't they?
Monday, March 24, 2014
They Miss Her Spark and others only wish they had a spark to speak of
So there is currently a thread going on @ Zibbet
A lot of good conversation and a lot of bad conversation especially from the one posting her personal opinion about someone (and yes we all have opinions and many out here in "craft/hand made land" also have opinions about some of those Artfire Mavens as well)
.... but I don't think many have been so boldly bitchy as to call out someone who is not there any more to answer to whatever "allegations" one chooses to make.
To me and many others reading this..... certainly a bad reflection upon the one posting their own quote "I've always liked her but" kind of views.
What is left of the Zibbet forums these days seems to be many who were Zupporters waking up and realizing that until the promises made when they kicked in their yearly fees are indeed met that they are tired of simply donating more time there.
And no amount of picture taking or retaking or rephrasing or re-marketing will ever work until Zibbet itself fixes what is clearly wrong from ground ZERO. Picture clarity and visibility immediately gets downgraded once you upload your pics to the venue.... it has been well noted and proven that a sellers' images do show and load much more clearer on the other selling sites for instance and for one of the CEO's to now come into the "DISAPPOINTED" thread and tell others that the main thing they need to work on is their images and photos was just another WOW JUST WOW moment for me today......
as most who have been there for a long time were clearly hoping that Zibbet would address the problem first and foremost that already good images were immediately looking worse and waaay more fuzzy when they were loaded onto the Zibbet selling venue
so for the CEO to recently say to peeps who are complaining about no traffic and little to no sales on the venue....the CEO says something to the effect of "WORK ON YOUR IMAGES" ..... is almost laughable if it wasn't indeed so sad.
To look at all of the hours and time and yes $ that so many sellers have invested into that venue with hopes and convictions that this is where they do indeed belong.....
and I know how you feel
I have been there and done all of that.
And to see that they mute people at whim and yet let others make BS statements about members who are no longer in the forums is very telling of what the site has now become
and why so many are waking up and realizing that they no longer believe in the Zibbet difference.
A lot of good conversation and a lot of bad conversation especially from the one posting her personal opinion about someone (and yes we all have opinions and many out here in "craft/hand made land" also have opinions about some of those Artfire Mavens as well)
.... but I don't think many have been so boldly bitchy as to call out someone who is not there any more to answer to whatever "allegations" one chooses to make.
To me and many others reading this..... certainly a bad reflection upon the one posting their own quote "I've always liked her but" kind of views.
What is left of the Zibbet forums these days seems to be many who were Zupporters waking up and realizing that until the promises made when they kicked in their yearly fees are indeed met that they are tired of simply donating more time there.
And no amount of picture taking or retaking or rephrasing or re-marketing will ever work until Zibbet itself fixes what is clearly wrong from ground ZERO. Picture clarity and visibility immediately gets downgraded once you upload your pics to the venue.... it has been well noted and proven that a sellers' images do show and load much more clearer on the other selling sites for instance and for one of the CEO's to now come into the "DISAPPOINTED" thread and tell others that the main thing they need to work on is their images and photos was just another WOW JUST WOW moment for me today......
as most who have been there for a long time were clearly hoping that Zibbet would address the problem first and foremost that already good images were immediately looking worse and waaay more fuzzy when they were loaded onto the Zibbet selling venue
so for the CEO to recently say to peeps who are complaining about no traffic and little to no sales on the venue....the CEO says something to the effect of "WORK ON YOUR IMAGES" ..... is almost laughable if it wasn't indeed so sad.
To look at all of the hours and time and yes $ that so many sellers have invested into that venue with hopes and convictions that this is where they do indeed belong.....
and I know how you feel
I have been there and done all of that.
And to see that they mute people at whim and yet let others make BS statements about members who are no longer in the forums is very telling of what the site has now become
and why so many are waking up and realizing that they no longer believe in the Zibbet difference.
Double Trouble Bubble Situation
The kids came over yesterday eve for a little BBQ and earlier that day at the Flea Market I had found these bubble fish for the girls.
These little bubble fish are battery operated, play music ,have lights, and spout bubbles with the simple click of a trigger.
They sure don't make bubbles like they used to..LOL! Had a lot of fun watching my bubblemania girls....
Hope ya'll have a super bubbly bubble-iscious week!
These little bubble fish are battery operated, play music ,have lights, and spout bubbles with the simple click of a trigger.
They sure don't make bubbles like they used to..LOL! Had a lot of fun watching my bubblemania girls....
Hope ya'll have a super bubbly bubble-iscious week!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Cat Lady Decoupage Table and Nugget in the Sunday Shade
Yesterday we went to the Antique Mall to tidy things up a bit and take a few more pieces. I tend to cringe before entering my little spot waiting to see if anything is broken. This trip the only damage was the glass in an altered picture frame. I don't understand how parents let their children run around unattended in Antique Stores or any store for that matter....would tar and feathering be out of the question here? LOL!
Seriously though even at the furniture store I can't begin to count the times when parents walk in and their kids are eating ice cream cones or the dreaded Cheetos. Can you imagine how much damage those orange fingers can do to for instance a cream colored sofa? Even the signs on the doors with "No Food Or Drinks Allowed" does not seem to deter some of them. I would imagine if I ever showed up knocking on the front door of their house with a butt load of chocolate covered ice cream cones and a party size bag of Cheetos and said "Hey let's have a party on your sofa!" ... it might be a different story indeed. :=)
So I finally finished up the Cat Lady decoupage table that I had started on a couple of months ago. It just didn't seem to be going in the direction that I was happy with so it just sat there on the back patio and yesterday morning I decided to simply finish it and move it on out. I added some gold glitter wash to the final surface and it does have a nice little glow when it catches the sun light.... not sure if the pics show the glow though..

I also finished this little embellished chalk painted mirror
When we got home the weather was so nice that I spent most of the rest of the day out in the front yard pulling weeds and planting seeds. I love to relax out in my little garden/front yard. Nugget had the right idea though...he found him a nice little spot in the shade and was just chillaxin' in the breeze....
I could learn a lot from our dogs. Sometimes I do wonder what the heck are they thinking when they pester and won't leave me alone. Water? check----food? check-----scratched your belly for the umpteenth time? check. Instead of the Dog Whisperer sometimes I think a dog psychic would come in handy. Wouldn't that make a nice reality show? I can picture it now....
"Hey lady he's trying to tell you that Doggy Biscuits give him a bad case of GAS."
Hope you are having a Fab St. Patty's Day and that ya'll have a wonderful week!
Seriously though even at the furniture store I can't begin to count the times when parents walk in and their kids are eating ice cream cones or the dreaded Cheetos. Can you imagine how much damage those orange fingers can do to for instance a cream colored sofa? Even the signs on the doors with "No Food Or Drinks Allowed" does not seem to deter some of them. I would imagine if I ever showed up knocking on the front door of their house with a butt load of chocolate covered ice cream cones and a party size bag of Cheetos and said "Hey let's have a party on your sofa!" ... it might be a different story indeed. :=)
So I finally finished up the Cat Lady decoupage table that I had started on a couple of months ago. It just didn't seem to be going in the direction that I was happy with so it just sat there on the back patio and yesterday morning I decided to simply finish it and move it on out. I added some gold glitter wash to the final surface and it does have a nice little glow when it catches the sun light.... not sure if the pics show the glow though..
I also finished this little embellished chalk painted mirror
When we got home the weather was so nice that I spent most of the rest of the day out in the front yard pulling weeds and planting seeds. I love to relax out in my little garden/front yard. Nugget had the right idea though...he found him a nice little spot in the shade and was just chillaxin' in the breeze....
I could learn a lot from our dogs. Sometimes I do wonder what the heck are they thinking when they pester and won't leave me alone. Water? check----food? check-----scratched your belly for the umpteenth time? check. Instead of the Dog Whisperer sometimes I think a dog psychic would come in handy. Wouldn't that make a nice reality show? I can picture it now....
"Hey lady he's trying to tell you that Doggy Biscuits give him a bad case of GAS."
Hope you are having a Fab St. Patty's Day and that ya'll have a wonderful week!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Pinata Whackers Synchronized Splits and Chloe's 3rd Birthday Party
It was a beautiful day in Bako today. Chloe's 3rd Birthday Party was a blast. Man just to sit back and watch those kids and all of the energy and conversation... it is just amazingly energizing. Heather was able to bring little Kolbe and it was the icing on the cake for me :)
When Chloe was opening her presents every time she would get to a Birthday card she would say "Oh look another note!" Lexi ended up being the one who totally whacked the pinata to pieces...that girl can swing a mean stick :)
Overall minimal boo-boo's and lots of smiles..... I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday and days like these are simply priceless.
Hope ya'll had a nice weekend.
#splitsville #partayatthepark #pinatawhackers #gammasmiles
When Chloe was opening her presents every time she would get to a Birthday card she would say "Oh look another note!" Lexi ended up being the one who totally whacked the pinata to pieces...that girl can swing a mean stick :)
Overall minimal boo-boo's and lots of smiles..... I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday and days like these are simply priceless.
Hope ya'll had a nice weekend.
#splitsville #partayatthepark #pinatawhackers #gammasmiles
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
When Someone Leaves The Room
Mamaw always said that
You never know what people really think about a person until after they leave the room.
She always kind of had a sense about these sort of things :)
Hope ya'll are having a great week so far. Stay safe and warm.
You never know what people really think about a person until after they leave the room.
She always kind of had a sense about these sort of things :)
Hope ya'll are having a great week so far. Stay safe and warm.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Zibbet Community... the gift that keeps on giving
I don't quite know what to say here....yah sometimes silence is indeed Golden
truly understandable
and I don't desire to keep on bagging on my fellow on-line-sellers
but some of ya'll in that Community are like this never ending story.
Why keep on hating and exclusionary kind of being yourselves and all of that kind of stuff?
Is it a C3 kind of thing or what?
Still trying to figure that one out.....
Some of ya'll are just still being so good at being you over there.
And even that certain CEO who has gone into "hiding"?
people all over the place are still talking about the G poohbahs' actions and words in that "hidey retreat hole".
key phrase hash tagged #Zibbet cached
wake up and smell some nice coffee
or try not to be nasty and not so nice
or something
let's move forward and really make some sort of a difference?
"One person can make a difference and every person should try."
--John Fitzgerald Kennedy
#makeadifference #teamzibbet #thezibbetdifference #zibbet
truly understandable
and I don't desire to keep on bagging on my fellow on-line-sellers
but some of ya'll in that Community are like this never ending story.
Why keep on hating and exclusionary kind of being yourselves and all of that kind of stuff?
Is it a C3 kind of thing or what?
Still trying to figure that one out.....
Some of ya'll are just still being so good at being you over there.
And even that certain CEO who has gone into "hiding"?
people all over the place are still talking about the G poohbahs' actions and words in that "hidey retreat hole".
key phrase hash tagged #Zibbet cached
wake up and smell some nice coffee
or try not to be nasty and not so nice
or something
let's move forward and really make some sort of a difference?
"One person can make a difference and every person should try."
--John Fitzgerald Kennedy
#makeadifference #teamzibbet #thezibbetdifference #zibbet
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