Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A bit about some of those "sense of self entitlement" bullies

I'm sure many of us have been there and done that.....
dealt with some sort of Bully in our life a time or 2.  
I often think that the best way to deal.... in the end is to simply do your best to "ignore".... 
(they can't stand it when you don't think they are important enough to pay attention to....)
Sometimes---they get their Bully panties so bunched up that even a big yank wouldn't bring them back into the real world JMO.
But my ramble for the day is about something I think is the worst type of catfish/bottom feeder that you can ever cross paths with....
namely those "control freak bullies" who have this false sense of "self entitlement" where they think that anything they say or do is okay and they selectively forget what they do wrong and they simply won't walk away from a "no- win " situation.  
Instead they just want to keep trying to get more people involved in the drama that has nothing to do with them or the topic at hand.  These type of "self entitlement" bullies have this method of "behind the scenes" back stabbing.....
they are such cowards they can't even do this in your face.....
it is all so shady sometimes.... you simply are left wondering how you ever let yourself get caught up in their drama to begin with.
Once in awhile and I would say only once in awhile it might be good for you to simply meet that "Elephant in the room" head on..... call them out on their B.S.   and then move on.  
Because until you are really able to wash all of their "slime" out from underneath your fingernails.. you might not ever see that the time is now to move on for good.
Just get it out of your system.....
know that there are always 2 sides to every story
know that everyone makes mistakes
but also know that if you let these type of "self sense of entitlement controlling bullies" to simply keep stirring up their little drama when they for some reason don't realize it would be in their best interests to simply leave you alone....
well.... that my friend is the time to give that elephant in the room another clue....yes you should perhaps let them  know that someone else also carries a pretty big bag of peanuts....
and then----
move on
don't give those BAITERS any more bait.
but every now and then....
you don't have to let bullies like this keep trying to walk all over you simply because you really are a nice person who feels sorry for them.
Just sayin :) wink wink
#wishywashy #bullies #controllingbullies #senseofselfentitlement #baiters #elephantintheroom #addressthatelephant #bunchedupbulliepanties #callinoutthebullies

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