Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My State of Mind Regarding Todays' State of the Union Speech

I try to get enthused  I REALLY DO!
and TRY to actually believe some of it...
it just sounds too much like the stuff promised that got him elected
(and that always gets all of them elected) in the first place.....
while the middle-class continues to keep
shrinking day by day.

Okay so when (and if ever) the idea of "there is no reason millionaires should pay zero taxes"...that Mr. Pres said----
and then (if ever) some sort of well intentioned bill goes before the House and the Senate and
our reps voting on this have been lobbied by those LOBBYISTS who speak for big money and our Reps were put in office mostly by contributions from those who make huge money......

So suddenly ....
It is all going to change...everyone is now going to do what is right for the good of our country instead of the good of making those who have the most money and power even more money and power?

What part of this eqaution did I not understand tonight?

Sorry Mr. Pres that I didn't hop on that band wagon toot my horn and dance....
I just don't believe all of this hype of things we as a nation want to hear
I just am not at that point anymore where I believe that any of this is going
to change any time soon ...........

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