Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

A lovely dove couple has been nesting in one of my hanging pots on the porch for about ten years now. Almost every year either a blue jay or a cat gets their babies but they keep coming back year after year to give it another try.  I mean these birds are just soooo persistent..they have faith..they do not give up..and I just can't believe they don't look for another place to nest:)  This year 2 dove babies survived and hubby and I got to see the last one in the nest take his final flight from the porch. Small things like this really make me appreciate the beauty and wonder of life I suppose :)

My hollyhocks are starting to bloom. This year I haven't done a lot of re-planting in my little garden like I normally do. I always love the garden this time of year! Just a nice little slice of "goodness" right in front of me.

Easter was a bit of a bummer for me this year (cuz it was the first one without my momma in it) but I know that life goes on and having little Chloe there made it such a wonderful celebration indeed! My sweet niece Ashley has been working in San Diego and we sure do miss having her around. She met Chloe at Easter:)

Kevin Sarah Lexie and Chloe.....
Yes Grandma! The Easter Bunny is REAL :)
Welcome Spring!

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