Sunday, February 9, 2014

How Some of those Zibbet Zwats definitely do have amnesia when it comes to recalling their own actions

Kind of a makes me smile kind of post...
honestly... you know how sometimes you just have some of those "wake me up" kind of moments?
Well this little tale is exactly what lead me down the path to the place where I really feel like I belong in an on-line kind of way these days...........

Awhile back at the Zibbet venue in the Zibbet  Community.... an Etc. + team came to the forums and announced that they were there now and were there to promote the Zibbet venue.

Imagine my shock dismay and surprise when someone named Anaisa jumped in on the poster there and kinda made me sick at how she acted.
As a matter of fact... I had never once had a conversation with the person she came to those forums there and totally flounced on....
but I felt so freaking bad about the way that this Anaisia person had acted there....
that I felt that I should reach out to this fellow Zibbeter..
I told him how sorry I was that some people seemed to think that drama on other venues should now have a place on Zibbet.... I told him that most Zibbeters would never act in that manner and to please over look the terrible actions of a very few members on that thread.

And imagine today as I look back on all of this....
a huge clusterfrack of those who got banned and now....
someone who considers herself a saint and wants to remind all others there about their "bad" actions...

funny that her terrible way she treated a fellow Zibbeter is what lead me to the place that I feel so blessed and comfortable to have found my home today....
and I found that place and reached out to the person she gauged her attack on....directly as a result from her bad actions....
imagine that?

also I can't help but think that Anais seems to be suffering from a case of selective amnesia....when she states
I'm going to make a clear statement that I would not wish anyone to leave Zibbet. I would love for everyone to keep their shop here and try to make it as successful as possible. If you took my statement was inflammatory then nothing could be further from the truth. I simply want a community where we can all communicate in a pleasant respectful manner. Like I replied earlier to OAV, I've seen her statements and one had to be deleted but yes I got to see it unfortunately; that is what I'm referring to. I'm full aware that you're not always on here and didn't understand what I meant by my statement.

she has clearly overlooked the fact that she was the one who came to those forums and pounced on Jerry when he made the team announcement there...... I reminded her once about it when she was chastising someone else....

come on Anaisyuh....
you seem to be so good at judging others and then saying that some are doing what you are doing?  give it a rest...
we see what you have done and can not be erased nor should it be

at the same time......... we all make mistakes....
just once in awhile...
why not admit it...
and move on
and stop trying to tell everyone else
about what they are doing wrong?

#badspots #truecolors #selectivememory #whojudgedwho?

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