Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Doctor Chloe ...Stop Picking Up Cats ...and a bad case of the Owies

Just spent a couple of marvelous days and nights with Chloe and enjoyed her wisdom as always.  I've come to firmly believe that if you pay attention to these little people..... they will remind you and teach you over and over about the real deal when it comes to this thing we call life.
She always has her little girly girl clothes in her Hello Kitty backpack and Gamma has to rig her up in some of my old tops and plastic baggies on her shoes held on with rubber bands so that she doesn't get paint and glue and such on her nice little munchkin clothes. I love watching her little face when she is creating something... I have to tell ya my heart melts just watching her little face when she is so busy
and I am sure you grandparents and parents out there can relate to that :=).... it was a bit nippy outside on Sunday and I had to put 2 layers of stuff on over her clothes but she insisted on painting some stuff outside

That nite when we were in bed watching our movie with our treats and popcorn..... she lost her little owl flash lite that she loves to get under the covers and play with.   So Grandpa let her borrow one of his pen flash lights and suddenly we had to play a very fun Doctor game.  She got a hold of one of the dogs "Molly" who is very protective of her and very patient as well.  Chloe lifts up her ear and peers in with the light and says "Oh Molly you have a very bad case of the owies." And then she proceeds to give Molly a goldfish cracker for her medicine and tells Molly that soon she will be feeling much better.  Next it is Grandma's turn and she says "Can you tell me why you are in my office today?"  and I say "Oh doctor Chloe do you think you can help me?"  she looks in my mouth and tells me "Oh I can see you have been eating popcorn but your mouth looks good"  then she looks at my hands and sees a scratch and says "Oh you must have scratched your hand here let me wrap that up for you and please remember that you can't be doing things like trying to pick up my cat"  so she wraps her little hands around in a magic circle and says "That should help you feel better... now let's have a look in your ear.... oh no! You have one germ in there fighting against another germ!"  And she gives me one of her little candies and tells me to take my medicine and it will be well in one day.  I am laughing my rear off and having such a great time and I tell her "Oh doctor Chloe you are the best smartest prettiest doctor that I have ever went to"  and she tells me "No I'm not the best... I'm just good."  
As she is falling asleep that night she tells me "I'm just Chloe now I am back at home...thank you for being the bestest smartest and prettiest Gamma " 
And for a little kiddo who is only 2 1/2.....but so wise beyond her years..... hee-hee I thank my lucky stars to have moments like these in my lifetime :=)
The next morning..... Dr. Chloe was back at it......breakfast and a check-up all in one..... who could ask for more ? =)

#badcaseofowies #germsinyourear #stoppickingupcats

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